International Priority Air Cargo Service |
INT Express provides the most reliable and discounted Air Cargo shipping service worldwide. 2nd business day delivery International Priority Air Cargo service is for your most urgent freight. |
Delivery Time |
Delivery in 1, 2 or 3 business days to most major world markets. From the U.S. to more than 130 countries and territories. |
Service Days |
Monday–Friday. |
Delivery Area |
Available throughout all states except Alaska and Hawaii. |
Skid Size and Weight |
Skids exceeding 70" to 119" in length or 80" in width and skids of 151 lbs. or more. Freight must be palletized, stackable, forkliftable, and shrinkwrapped and/or banded to a skid. |
Additional Information |
Advance confirmation and booking required Call 1.213.955.9282 |
Options |
Customs clearence and door-to-door delivery. |